Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Future of Online Advertising

What's the future of online advertising in the world? Even though Internet has been around for a while, the advertising aspect is still new and continuously changing. Advertising online started with the banner ad on the top of the screen, which has been great but got replaced by skyscrapers and leader boards and larger rectangles. Recently these ads have started going to more video and interactive ads. But what does the future hold for this type of advertising.

I personally believe that online advertising will only keep getting bigger and better. I'm sure like a lot of people get annoyed by the random pop-up advertisements and the bright blinky ones. There are many ads out there though that are good and actually get a person's attention. My favorite type of advertising is the Apple commercial, where the banner ad and skyscraper ad talk to each other. Then there are those annoying sound ads that pop up and don't stop until you go onto the next page. There will be a time when the advertising we see now on the Internet will be gone and replaced by the next big "wow."

Right now I can't imagine what that is, but I truly hope that I am working at an agency that comes out with a completely new type of ad on the Internet. I truly believe that advertising on the Internet will keep going, espcially when a lot of advertising is moving from print to digital. Adveritisers in the digital age will just need to keep coming up with unique ideas on how to get people to see their ads when all people want to do is bypass them. As Cory Treffiletti said "It's an exciting time for the Web, and display is not going to be squashed by search and video. Display will continue to be an important part of the Web -- just not in ways that you would currently imagine."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Coca-Cola's Fan Page on Facebook Ranked #2?

Middle of the year last year Facebook fan pages started becoming more and more popular, a lot businesses/brands create a fan page and people become a fan of their page. Regular users were able create their own fan page, but since so many crude comments and inappropriate pictures were being placed on these pages. So Facebook decided to only allow fan page creators to only be from the brand they are representing. What does this have to do with Coca-Cola?

Well a recent post on Advertising Age's webpage "How Two Cok Fans Brought the Brand to Facebook Fame" interested me I have seen a lot of fan pages and I happen to be a fan of a Scrubs, the Newsboys, and AI Photography. I wouldn't call myself a loyal fan because I think I have only been to their pages once a piece. But there are a lot of loyal fans who check their pages diligently, which is how a lot of pages get their popularity. There are thousands of pages on Facebook, so how did Coca-Cola's page become so popular, especially when it was created by two die-hard Coke fans, not the actual Coke brand.

According to the article "One theory the company keeps coming back to was the quality of the photo—a crisp, high-resolution image of a Coke can covered with a thin layer of condensation." The creators of the fan page found a high resolution picture of a Coke can and I guess that was enough to get people to want to become a fan. I'm kind of jumping around, but back to what I was saying before about Facebook making it so only business managers or people associated with the actual brand can create a fan page.

Because the people who created the Coke page aren't associated with Coke Facebook had to ask them to either get rid of the page or surrender it to Coca-Cola. Coke didn't really want to take over the page but also didn't want to make them get rid of the page so someone from Coke asked the two guys if they would like to join Coke in administering the page. This is something very unexpected because most large companies would either get rid of the page or take over completely. I found it very neat...Go Coke!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Facebook vs. Twitter

Facebook vs. Twitter who is going to win? I was reading the article "Will Facebook's Faster Feeds Make it the New Twitter?" by Abbey Klaassen on Advertising Age the other day I read it but hadn't seen any changes in Facebook but I knew they were coming since it is all about who will be faster and easier to get to on the Internet. And sure enough today I log onto my facebook page and my homepage is completely differnt then I remember it being yesterday.

At first I thought my computer didn't load my page correctly since it has happened before...but sure enough I have gotten a couple of notices from the Facebook creators about the new changes. Some of my friends have already made the comment on their status bar stating that they don't like Facebook's new layout. This seems to happen everytime the creators decide to change something, such as the layout, and people always complain about the changes and then they decide they like it. Anyway back to Facebook and Twitter.

The changes in the layout of Facebook this time where done so the marketers have more freedom but more importantly so the users can get more information about each other faster. I guess it just makes the "gossip page" as I call it more convient for all of those users who enjoy knowing what is happening in everyone's life all the time. I guess for those users a faster access to that sort of information is great, I read in a book once that since the Internet and faster technology continuously comes out we are becoming more and more impatient if we can't get to something with the click of a mouse. So I do understand the changes Facebook made.

As for Twitter, I am I guess you could say "a newer user." I am still getting to the hang of updating my status more and more. I don't do this regularly on Facebook so constantly updating my status on Twitter doesn't come easily to me. I check everyone else's updates often, about as much as I'm on my computer. I make my rounds to email, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so I do chekc it often. I guess the thing I like about Twitter more than Facebook status updates is that on Twitter people will tell you when they have updated a blog you may be following or you may learn something about a topic you have been researching.

As for the competition between Twitter and Facebook, I don't know who will be on top or if they are even in the same category to be judged that way but I enjoy both. Facebook for more personal/friend updates such as pictures and people who write on my wall, and Twitter is in my eyes more of a professional networking update. No pictures just knowledge and information about what is happening in a more professional way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Digital Ban??

As I was looking at my daily reader on Google I happened upon an interesting article on MediaPost from the Digital Outsider titled California Considers Bill to Ban Digital Billboards by Eric Sass.

I don't understand why the state of California wants to ban digital billboards. With our society in the "Go Green" phase you would think that having digital billboards would be welcomed. Numerous advertisers can now advertise on one billboard at one time instead of polluting the roadside billboards with only one ad on each.

The state of California is concerned about safety issues, I guess I don't understand how these digital billboards can be dangerous. I think they would be better for the environment because there would be fewer boards with multiple ads on one board. The boards wouldn't have to be changed as often. After these billboards are built the ads would in the future cost less because you would be sharing with other advertisers and the ad just needs to be inserted digitally instead of manually placed up on the board.

I believe California needs to rethink their ban on digital billboards. these boards are a new technology that will be everywhere and California will be behind in this advertising technology.