Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ahhh Cell Phone Techology

Should cell phone use be banned in restaurants, theaters, & classrooms? With all of the popular new technology continually coming out, you would think that it would be more accepted. But I guess all the changing technology is happening faster than people can or want to adjust. Cell phones are probably changing faster than any other technology except for maybe the Internet.

I can understand how people constantly on their cell phones can be a bother, whether they are talking on the phone at the table or even just texting. I guess I find it annoying when people answer their phones at restaurants, theaters, and even class. Although, I have to admit I text during a movie and sometimes during class but I try my hardest to not look at my phone while at a restaurant. Should these mobile monsters be banned in certain places though? I don't know if this would work though because these little machines are addictive. People constantly check their phones for messages and the internet because the phone is their conncection to the world.

My mom came home from a conference about technology in the classroom. The speaker told her that kids should be allowed to use their cell phones in the classroom and during tests. His reason for beliving this is if kids know how to use their cell phones to get an answer during a test they are using their sources to gather information. This is another blog for another time but I think cell phone use during a test is wrong even if kids know how to gather information and use thier sources.

Ahh cell phone use is only going to get popular. There are times when I disagree with when and where people use them, but I am one of those people who likes to check my phone a lot. I guess the world is just going to have to get used to seeing people on their phones constantly because its technology.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Gadgets, what are they anyway?

According to Google they are made by Google users and can be placed on any page on the web. Gadgets are becoming a big thing on the web. When browsing my Google account I found the gadgets page, which is constantly added to by Google users everyday. These gadgets aren't only found on Google, you can find them on Facebook, blog sites, or just about anywhere on the web. You can become a fan of a TV show or add a countdown to your profile and you become an advertiser for that show or brand. As Google says these gadgets might come in handy for you at work if you need a countdown or a list maker or a calendar, the gadget possibilities are endless.

A new gadget I found on the New York Times website "Friday Fun Tip: Amazon's Universal Wish List Button." This is one cool gadget because you can be on any site and want something but you aren't ready to buy it yet so you click your the Wish List button on your browser and Amazon saves your item for you for future time of purchase. Wondering how you getit? Well you just need to drag and drop the Universal Wish List Button from Amazon onto your browser and its there for as long as you want it to be.

Along with many others I really enjoy these gadgets. They are fun and easy to put on your profile, there is a gadget for everything. Some of my gadgets on my Google home page are the weather, Frogger, Tetris, driving directions, html tips, quotes of the day, and date & time. I have the option to have multiple homepages also, so if I can't fit all of my gadgets on one page I can add another page for more!