Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mobile Marketing on the Rise

The other day I was doing research for a class project. The presentation my group had to give was about alternative media and my part was about mobile marketing. When I first started researching this category I had a lot of trouble finding information because this type of medium is still so new that most people just blog about it. After some deep researching I came across some great articles written by Laura Marriott from the Clickz website "The Mobile Knowledge" ( and "The ABCs of Mobile Marketing Part 1" ( . 

Some of the information Marriott mentioned in her articles I had heard of but a lot of the information is so new and always changing that I hadn't even considered where mobile marketing could be taking the future of advertising. Mobile marketing is the most personal marketing channel available on the market. At first glance I wasn't quite sure I believed this because cell phones being more personal??? But they truly are, people are so caught up with their mobile phones now that the advertisements come right to them. Another interesting fact I found was that mobile marketing is completely permission-based. Since opt-ins are required for text messaging campaigns only people who opt-in will receive the message. Along those same lines mobile marketing is the most powerful loyalty marketing tool, which makes sense because if a person signs up to receive something or pays for something on their phones they are going to be checking it frequently. A really interesting fact I found about this type of marketing is that in the past year the adoption of text messaging campaigns has grown 200% in the past year, which is more than any other medium, including the Internet and outdoor marketing. This is crazy. How did we ever live without cell phones??? I don't even have the Internet on my phone but I am on it a lot, I can't imagine having Internet access on my phone. I don't think I would be able to put it down...I hope it wouldn't consume me. 

Although I don't have Internet access from my phone, I do use a lot of the applications on my computer. Some of these include Shutterfly and Snapfish (photo sharing), YouTube and Hulu TV (video sharing) and Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook (social networking). These aren't the only applications available, the mobile applications market is growing by leaps and bounds. In the end I really enjoyed researching this topic. It really helped me get a small grasp on what is happening now in the world of mobile marketing and a bit of what is to come. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Consequences of Misusing Twitter

I came across this interesting blog from Lawrence & Schiller last week about how the National Basketball Association is fining Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, $25,00 for two tweets on Twitter about how he didn't like the officiating I have been using Twitter for a couple of months now and starting to get up there in followers. My 96 followers don't even come close to the 19,000 people who are following Cuban, so any posts he puts on Twitter are going to be seen by 18,900 more people than if I made a couple of offensive posts. Going even bigger Jimmy Fallon, host of Late Night, tweeted about how he was kicked out of a restaurant, he didn't stop there. Fallon warned people not to go near the restaurants owned by this owner. Even after he apologized Fallon had tweeted to over half a million people. Twitter has a bigger affect on businesses and people and it shouldn't be misused.

In this same article some posted a link to Advertising Age to another article about Top 10 Reasons Your Company Probably Shouldn't Tweet . According to B.L. Ochman "Twitter has grown %1200 in the past year, doubled its membership, and attained 14 million members in March." That's crazy how fast a social networking tool can catch. This article is a must read for companies who think that Twitter is the place for them to be truly connected to their clients, but is Twitter for everyone?