Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Video Nano

I know the Ipod isn't a new product, I have one of those Ipod Nano 1st generation ones, yeah really old. So they have these video nanos now. My brother has one of these and he has a collection of movies and podcasts on his Ipod, oh yeah he has a Video Nano, one of the small ones. Part of me thinks this is kind of a cool concept but a bigger part of me thinks that it seems kind of pointless to be allowed to watch videos on your Ipod because the screen is so small. I know that not all Ipod screens are so small but even on the larger screened Ipods trying to watch a movie on them would be odd.

Think about it on an Ipod Nano the screen is, what, one inch by an inch and a quarter. Who would want to watch a movie from something like that. It would be so difficult to see what is even happening on a screen that small much less enjoy the movie.

Another problem is that only one person can really watch the movie. Yeah, Ipods are meant for only one person, but I enjoy watching movies with people on a decent sized screen with speakers instead headphones. Which leads to another problem I have about video Ipods, the earbuds.

I always have problems keeping the earbuds in my ears. They always tend to fall out or they don't work properly or outside noise is distracting. Yes, there are ways to get around problems with headphones but I just believe that earbuds can be more efficient. I guess I am complaining a lot about this great technology, I really don't think Ipods are bad. I have one myself as I mentioned earlier. I do believe that maybe Apple should rethink video Ipods for the nano.

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